Saturday, August 27, 2011

Patagonia: Punta Arenas

Punta Arenas is the capital of the region and a major shipping center. That's really all I know about it. My day in it did not get off to a good start. I landed there 10:30 last night and immediately set on finding a hostel. The port has a large number of backpacking hostels and residentials due to all the people heading around the region. Unfortunately, they're all closed for the off-season. It took me an hour and a half to find a hostel that was less than 50 dollars per room.

Today was mostly unexciting. Brian came in around two. We found lunch and head out to check the ferries. This will be our ticket to get to Tierra del Fuego tomorrow.

Punta Arenas runs a duty free zone at the edge of the city. I was expecting more trade goods and stalls and fewer car shops. We end up buying small things.

Brian and I waded out into the Strait of Magellan. Then we ran back because the water was cold.

This is a short blog post because not much worth talking about happened today. It was more a buffer day to relax. Tomorrow is the last big day of my trip. We'll see how that goes.

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